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Autofusion’s Complete Website Solution - A Product Synopsis

By: Earl Brown, Autofusion (2023)

With 25 years of experience creating innovative website solutions for some of the most successful car dealerships in the U.S., Autofusion’s Complete Website Solution leads the industry in delivering a constantly evolving, progressive, and customer-oriented online shopping experience. In an environment of shifting consumer behavior and expectations, our websites create a more value-driven and relevant experience for modern shoppers.

Each build is based on the core principle that every dealership is unique and requires a customized marketing solution that fits the stores brand, product, and market. Our fully managed service is comparable to having your own sprawling in-house website team.

Under the hood of our platform is the Intent A.I. Engine which analyzes the consumers behavior based on over 100 dynamic factors to provide the most relevant and integrated shopping experience possible, from the second they land on the home page or SRP to the final conversion.

With exciting first-to-market features like our fully integrated Custom Order or Vehicle Matchmaker tools, our clients can rest assured that their site is always focused on what shoppers actually care about. Add to this the advanced vehicle merchandising with incentive integration and automated specials, search-by-payment functionality, factory-accurate vehicle equipment, lightning-fast load times, and month-to-month contracts, it’s clear that our platform is more innovative and forward thinking than the competition.

Looking around the auto industry today, you’ll find thousands of flashy carbon copy sites that look great but that don’t really take the consumers behavioral preferences into account, and thus underperform where it matters most. Autofusion designs websites that car shoppers want to use, that have personality, and that focus on producing a relevant and efficient customer journey, which produces better results for the dealer.

Autofusion’s Complete Website Solution - A Product Synopsis

5 Key Features of our Complete Website Solution for dealers:

Intent A.I Engine – Analyzes 100+ different metrics and touchpoints to determine consumer intent, which helps the platform decide what dynamic content to display, and leads to the lightning fast pre-loading of content.

Best In Class Vehicle Merchandising – Serving relevant dynamic content (as determined by the Intent A.I. Engine), complete with incentives integration, and an important ‘search by payment’ feature in the SRP.

100% Customization – Dealers have 100% control of the design process, which is completed with a host of project managers, designers, developers, and digital marketing experts. No mass-produced templated websites!

OEM Accurate Vehicle Equipment – It may seem like a small thing, but there are countless website providers who populate dealers SRP’s and VDP’s with generic equipment descriptions that don’t at all do the merchandise justice. At Autofusion, data accuracy is king, and we strive to maintain rigorously high data standards in all of our builds.

Custom Order Tool – Modern consumers require modern shopping tools. Our innovative build & price software was designed to increase interest and engagement, while offering the utilitarian functionality of building out a legitimate retail pre-order. This tool is seamlessly integrated with our website platform and offers exciting features like customized pricing options, dealer installed accessories (with photo and video gallery support), and customization that allows it to fit the needs of any dealer or OEM.

Our Complete Website Solution packs more innovative features and precision performance into the platform than any other providers in Automotive. The best way to learn more about our platform is to contact our sales team at or schedule a demo and consultation today.